Monday, July 20, 2020

COVID-19 and The Great Smokies


I say often on this blog (almost every vacation, in fact) that this vacation almost didn't happen. I am tired of writing it here - for that matter. So, just assume that every vacation had its moments of uncertainty; whether financial, political, weather, or anything else. This time it was something that none of us saw coming. A global pandemic of the COVID-19 virus that took us all out of everything. 

Thanks to my wife, Megan we still made a go of it. When no one was traveling we dared to be different. As you can see from the picture below, we weren't alone but it was by no means the summer traffic that we normally have to fight. There were few hotels and few vacation rentals available so Megan was able to call on a friend who loaned us a house that he was not currently living in. You will see very little eating out - in fact there is almost none of it because most restaurants were closed or operating in a very limited capacity. Of all of the restaurants that I had scoped out - not one was open. We pic-nicked a lot and we cooked at the house. Still vacation happened - not the way it usually does but it happened all the same. There were fights and yelling and laughing and singing and reading and praying and moments and disappointments and stabs of JOY; and again we are all better for it. We know each other well thanks to times like this. So ... come along it may not look impressive but it is the time of our lives - lets live it well!

The accommodations were humble and yet, very much appreciated by everyone.

First on the menu - spaghetti in paradise.

There is always something about a fire. We spotted the fire pit right away and plans began for sundown.

Night one - in the books and things are looking great for the vacation ahead.

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