Saturday, July 2, 2022

Library of Congress

We began our second day with breakfast the the hotel lobby (pictured below) and then out to the subway and reservation to tour the Library of Congress.

We went to the Library of Congress because Megan wanted to see it and so did I. She had heard me talk about many times as I think that, architecturally,  the Library of Congress is the most impressive building in Washington, DC.

One thing that we learned is that we all view exhibits very differently. We went into an exhibit about the Mayans. Almost everyone was finished with the exhibit and when I went back to find Olivia, she was on the second part of 15 parts of the exhibit. We had to break up and that is why many of the pictures below are of Olivia. I was the other person on this exhibit team.

A little rest back at the hotel and then Ted's Bulletin Resturant. Breakfast, Fried Chicken, Milkshakes, even salad; whats not to love.


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