Monday, May 29, 2023

Happy 20th Anniversary

 I am in love. After 20 years I am in love. We always say, "I love you more," but it really is true. It is not something you can quantify, love, but the love does continue to grow. Through the difficulties, through the ups and downs, through victories and disappointments, our love is more. Deeper and more mature. 

Megan is my rock and I love her more than any other human. I love her and I love our family. It is the greatest gift that God has ever given to me - the opportunity to be part of this family. 

Today we celebrate being a family for 20 years. We can never do anything that would express the way we feel about each other so we will just spend a weekend together. This is our time to celebrate God's greatest gift to us.

We decided we did not want to eat anywhere safe. We ate at places we have never heard of. This was breakfast at downtown Lynchburg, VA. 

The food was great and the atmosphere better.

We visited Natural Bridge.

Just down from Natural Bridge we found a drive through zoo. They told us it was their busiest day of the year. Most of the animals were more than full but a few came by to make an appearance.

We stopped off for dinner near our Air B&B. We were again very fortunate to find great food.

Breakfast the next morning again in downtown Lynchburg. This time it was only average food but a good atmosphere. 

We discovered Poplar Plantation. It is a home that was discovered to be built by Thomas Jefferson. Slowly over the past 14 years or so the house has been entirely restored.

The home was restored using the original building methods and tools from the period. One wing was left open so that you could see how the house was built. Yes, those are 4 X 8 ceiling joists.  

OK so dinner time showed up when we were near Red Lobster. Not local but we hadn't been to one in 7 or 8 years and I like it. So, in the cold rain we ate at Red Lobster.

What a great time! We slept - We took our time - We Napped - We laid around - We Saw Nature - We Saw History - And I was with my favorite person! Not Bad at ALL.

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