Sunday, November 22, 2015

Goose Creek

Today we went to Goose Creek State Park between Washington and Bath. Neither of us had ever heard of it but a friend of Megan's encouraged us to go and see it.

We went on a hike through the woods and the wet lands. We hiked hard on this beautiful Fall day.

Turns out that Emily Grace wanted to be the guide - so we followed.

And followed ... 

We saw creation in many ways.

And we rested:

We happened upon this log over this canal. Addison decided to give it a shot.

She fell into this canal - all the way in. Other than being cold, she was ok. Megan gave it a try ... And made it.

Addison tried again. We were proud of her.

Our trail came out to the road so we followed it back to the car. Now the walk was on asphalt but it was as beautiful as it had been all along.

So that was it. A simple time in the life of our family. Everyone had a blast. We were close to nature and close to God and close to one another.

Park Entry: $0
Hiking Guide: $0
Beautiful views: $0

Experiencing Life as a Family: Priceless 

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