Thursday, August 8, 2013

Exploring the Keys

Today we decided to see just where we are on the earth by exploring some more of the keys.

We rented a car and drove to Marathon, about an hour away.

We stopped for lunch. This was the restaurant view.

And this was lunch

Next we went to Sombrero Beach. It was just beautiful.

There are no waves to speak of on the Keys so sand has to be brought in from the Bahamas.

This is a sea turtle nest.

Next we went to a free aviation museum. Another good experience - mostly because of the personal attention from the old guys who are the guides for everything here.

These planes still fly, by the way.

After rest time, we had pizza for dinner in our own courtyard. Finally things began to cool off.

We planned to go on a haunted tour, only to find that they were sold out. So, we took one last walk around town.

We encountered street performers and one of them had a a dog that picked up tips. Who could resist that? - Not Megan.

We saw the sunset.

And the first world headquarters for Pan-Am Airlines.

A great last night in Key West.



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