Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Key West Adventure

Today we had plans of being a little more adventurous. We will begin the day with snorkeling.

It's like skiing (to my surprise) it takes a little time and practice to get the hang of it and like skiing Megan got it and I never really did - although what I did see was beautiful.

We came home and took a quick dip in the pool and then to lunch. We had so much seafood lately that we decided to dine with some guys that we know very well indeed.

We decided to visit the Little White House where President Truman spent nearly 200 days of his presidency. It now stands as an official Truman Presidential Museum, having been completely restored to the state that it was in during the Truman Presidency.

It took us a wile to get there because we got lost - which is a little more frustrating on bikes.

We did find it and it was very cool and interesting.

We went to Dairy Queen for dinner only to find that they only sold ice cream and drink, so it was ice cream for dinner. Next  we had a great bike ride in the cool sea breeze.

Good day.

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