Friday, August 9, 2019

A Kingdom ... A Magic Kingdom

So our last day arrived before we knew what hit us. This trip that almost wasn't came at us so fast once we knew it was. We had a blast as always and as is our tradition we wound up at Magic Kingdom. Still having problems with pictures taken with my new phone, there are not a lot of pictures but rest assured there was not one moment wasted and we sucked the marrow out of every single morsel of Disney World.

Its only fitting that we ran into these fellows again and we listened and danced with them. We walked in high cotton spending some of our parting moments with some of our favorite guys.

We went around to various places and picked up our one things and then ... far to soon it was time to leave this magical place. We didn't leave empty handed, we left with a head full of memories and hearts full of love and a deeper understanding and appreciation for one another and the gift that is our family. We are sad to leave this happy place but we all leave with a deep seated satisfaction that we found what we came to find. With so much in our hearts we could hardly carry it, we made our way to the exit for the last time this visit. We have high hopes that we will return again soon but for now - we dream.

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