Thursday, August 1, 2019

The Best Laid Plans

Normally we are prepared for our vacation. Its something that both Megan and I love to do. We Plan. We get reservations, fast passes, and plan where to be when based on best crowd calendars in the land. This year is not that way. We did not know if this vacation was a go until the day we left and even then we were thin on the details. Having said all of that, The Flight of Passage ride, which we had never seen before as it was under construction during our last visit, would have been a high priority fast pass which would have been secured 60 days prior to our visit. Due to our late plans, we had no such fast pass. The plan was to arrive at the park about 30 minutes prior to rope drop and that first. One problem. This is how many people got in line in front of us.

This is how many people were in line behind us.

This is the wait time before the ride ever opened officially

Due to problems with the ride, it took way longer than expected to get through the line. It was a great ride when it was all said and done. The consolation is that we met some great friends from England and the cue in and of itself was amazing.

Olivia was very taken with this robot/man.

Pins, collecting, and trading claim a part of each day on this trip.

About to board Expedition Everest

The Conquerers take a bow

Kilimanjaro Safari

Na'vi River Journey at Pandora

Rivers of Light were enchanting.

All in all a great day at Animal Kingdom

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