Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Note to Self: Take Pictures

Today we set out to do a walk about at the Murrell's Inlet water front.  On the way we stopped and got a burger Poppy's (or a salad in Megan's case).  The big deal was that Poppy's fry Oreos.  This is Addison's first and one more for me.

We did the Marsh Walk at Murrell's Inlet and for some reason among all of the beauty - this was the only picture that I thought to take.

We came home and relaxed a little and I took the girls swimming.  Once again I forgot to take any pictures.

This evening we went to Barefoot Landing where the girls got to see some tigers and get some Ice Cream.  Once again I forgot to take any pictures.

Next we finished a game of Sorry that we started earlier in the day and then went to bed (no pictures of bed time either but it really is pretty much the same every night).

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