Tuesday, July 4, 2023

San Diego

 This morning we decided to have a look at Southern California. We drove down to San Diego. Our first stop was the Coronado Del Sol a historic hotel near San Diego.

Emily, Olivia and I went to the beach to look around while Mom and Addison went out in search of lunch.

The beach at Coronado shimmers gold. It is actually Mica from the cove. 

This is lunch. Megan says it is just like Italy.

Gelato for desert.

We went looking for the sea lions on the beach but after circling for about half an hour we had to give up on finding parking. We did find this beautiful beach while looking for a different park.

We started to make our way down to the beach when Megan got suspicious. She asked one of the ladies coming up the hill about the beach. We found that we were at Black Beach - beautiful but it is a nude beach and the most people down the were nude, so we called the girls back up the hill.

Also, don’t bother trying to enlarge the people on the beach in the previous photo - you can’t see anything I already tried it.

Near this location was also a major location for wind sailing - it may just be a coincidence that it’s over a nude beach.

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