Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Purple Mountain Majesty

Today began like yesterday.  We took Megan to the conference and then to breakfast.  Next we went to the Western North Carolina Nature Center.  It is not a zoo really but they had some animals from around the region.

This is the Otter Slide at the otter exhibit.

There were lots of interactive exhibits throughout.

Looking at the Bobcats

Hands on with the sheep

The Water Painting Wall

Making bird feeders

Making music

Making a fort

Making a puppet show 

Then lunch at Dairy Queen

Then back to the pool

Next we went to pick Megan up after her conference. We headed to the Biltmore Estate only to find that they close at 5:00; it being 4:40 we opted out.

We went instead to The Grove Park Inn where there were beautiful views.

Ahh, this is better - the way it is meant to be. Together with the love of my life. We are a team. We are best together and she makes me better than I am. I love you Megan Davis - I love you BIG!

After Grove Park we made our way to the Fun Depot where there were games for all ages.  

This included all of the girls, of course, but by this time in the day all phones were going down. I was with Emily Grace and managed to get a few shots before my phone bit the dust.

Tomorrow promises more fun, an end to Megan's conference, and a change of venue.  More than all of that, there is the promise of more time together and I can't wait!

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