Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Vacation That Very Nearly Wasn't

We have gone on vacation each year without fail. Almost every year with at least one vacation of at least two weeks or more. This year (mostly because of financial uncertainties) we did not think we would be able to pull this one off.  It remained on the "questionable list" until the very last minute. Alas, it did happen and beginning today we are off again.

Every family has their thing - something they love to do together ... This Davis family loves to travel - we just do.  We suck the marrow out of every experience and then talk about it for months and years. 

All of our trips are great but our vacations are special. We look forward to them, they grow our family closer, they mark the time.

So, over the next couple of weeks join with us.  Visit us daily.  Sit back and relax. Share our experiences. I hope that it will touch your soul - I plan on it touching mine.

This year is a mountain trek. We will experience the highlife in the highlands. It will begin kinda slow.  Megan has a conference in Asheville, NC.  The girls and I will do our best to laugh a little in the city as we anticipate her daily release from her responsibilities there and spend evenings together. 

After that, we will head deeper into the mountains.  Today was just travel.  We made it here safely and we got settled in.  All-in-all not a bad day's work.

Six hours and they held it together.

So did we - mostly

Dinner at Waffle House (Yep - this is a budget vacation).

Perhaps tomorrow will be a little more interesting. Either way - we will be together - unfettered by this outside world so I know it will be great.

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