Monday, August 6, 2012

Animal Kingdom (Episode 2)

This morning, thankfully, Emily Grace felt much better so we went out as a family again. We got a late start and went to Animal Kingdom. This is Addison with Raffilki.

Apparently, the focus for this day would be domesticated animals.

Even a domesticated bore can be precious in the right company.
This is one person who sees the best in every person and every pig.

Olivia felt it was important to sing to every animal.

After the farm animals we got lunch at the pizza place. While we were there I noticed that the single rider line wait on Expedition Everest, which I have never ridden, was listed on my iPhone app at 7 minutes. Megan was good enough to take the girls toward the exit. The actual wait was less than 2 minutes and it was a cool experience. Thanks babe - I love you.

Then back home to hang out, rest, and we will do something later.

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