Sunday, August 5, 2012

Magic Kingdom (Episode 2)

Tonight Emily Grace was feeling a little better so we decided to take the whole family to the Magic Kingdom. We began where we left off the other night. We rode one of the favorite rides (which we also rode the other night) Big Thunder Mountain. This is Addison after we loaded, waiting for the ride to start.

Next we got a snack while waiting for the Country Bear Jamboree. Here is Olivia helping to keep her sister hydrated.

Continuing to wait for the Country Bears. Nothing special here but I just had to post this picture because this is my whole world in one photo.

We saw the show and then walked the Swiss Family Robinson Tree House, saw the Tekkie Room show, and then rode Splash Mountain which Olivia agreed to ride at the very last minute and she was glad she did, both girls really loved it.

We closed with the Electric Light Parade. Simple enough, Christmas lights on trailers but to a kid it is magic and, somehow, even to Megan and I it is magical. Here is Emily Grace watching from her perch.

Another good day.

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