Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Magic Kingdom (Not even going to number this episode)

We got ready to go to Magic Kingdom and Addison was not wanting to get her shoes on. I went over to help her get motivated and when I touched her she was burning up. She said she did not feel like going tonight.

We went through several scenarios and ultimately it ended up that Megan would take Addison to the urgent care and would drop Olivia and I at Magic Kingdom and would would meet up with us after Addison was seen by the doctor. Megan kept Emily Grace with her so that I could take Olivia on some rides.

Magic Kingdom was quite busy. The main thing that Olivia wanted to ride tonight was Splash Mountain. When we got there the fast pass return was 10:20 PM and the regular wait was 85 minutes but we did get to pull fast passes for Big Thunder Mountain for about an hour later.

In the mean time we rode It's a Small World. While on the ride she laid over in my lap and I noticed that she was hot too. After the ride she asked me if we could just go home to the vacation house because she was sleepy. Well the truth is that we could not because we had no car and Megan and the other girls were still in the waiting room (with no form of entertainment in a strange city with an un-entertained toddler and a sick girl - MISERABLE).

Storms came and we braved the rain and rode Big Thunder Mountain and then Olivia wanted to see The Enchanted Tiki Room Show again. It should be fairly obvious what any pictures would look like on this night before I even post them but here goes.

Olivia on Small World
Olivia loaded and ready on Big Thunder Mountain

Olivia about to go into The Tiki Room (Anyone who can't tell she is sick by her eyes?)

While in the Tiki Room Megan texted that they were out of the doctor and by now had no interest in meeting us inside the park in the rain. We made it out of the park just in time to avoid getting blocked by the parade. Olivia fell asleep on the monorail.

We made it to the pick-up area and Megan met us there in short order. Both big girls fell asleep while we were in the parking lot waiting for mom while she was in the Walgreen's Pharmacy.

We will see what tomorrow brings.


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