Sunday, August 16, 2015

Community on the Cape

I have said in earlier posts that true friends are the ones that you encounter walking in while everyone else is walking out.

My family has had a tremendously bad week, related to my job. In the midst of this adversity we have encountered authentic community in ways that were only theoretical until now.

Friends have turned and walked away over these past two and a half years and it has been painful; others though came closer. They have encouraged us, and loved us, and believed in us, and supported us. To this moment they carry our load - we weap and they taste salt. 

Where would we be without Jesus and our friends who love Him too? Authentic community is rare AND it is one of the ways that God reminds us that he is here.

Friends have come close to us in so many ways this week and it has moved our spirit. Some of our friends, the Clubb's, whom you have encountered previously on this blog, asked us to camp with them - so we did. It was a blast!

We loaded the boat and launched our night.

David gives instructions for the track from ship to shore.

We set camp here:

The kids played

The sun began to set and David made fire

The tide came in fast so Megan and David successfully moved the fire. Johnathan built a burm to further protect the fire from the tide. All of these efforts were successful so we cooked dinner and then made s'mores.

As it does near ever day - the sun set. This day we appreciated it fully.

With the sun out of view the fire takes center stage flanked by a million stars and the sweeping of one old light.

The next morning we took the hike across the cape to the big waters of the Atlantic.

We had the beach nearly to ourselves for a while.

We made our way back to the lighthouse side of the cape and we had a few minutes to bid this island goodbye.

So, we headed back

We passed the site of the Queen Ann's Revenge salvage and research site. We stopped and had a delicious and leisurely lunch on the deck in Beaufort.

When I reflect back on this trip, I think that I shall never forget walking along the beach at night with my wife, lantern in hand, looking for her favorite flip-flops which were claimed by the rising tide (amazingly we found them). I will remember sitting and talking with my oldest daughter about Pompeii while she made a sand volcano. I will not forget the beauty of God's creation. I Will remember how clearly I was reminded of the strength of our family. I will remember our friends, how much we love them and the value and importance of authentic community.

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