Wednesday, August 5, 2015

See Rock City

Today we packed up in Pigeon Forge and moved to Chattanooga. We arrived way too soon to check into our house so we went here:

There was much to see.

I know, what is special about rocks - well, a lot apparently.

This is Fat Man's Squeeze

Ok, it will become obvious that I have two girls that want pictures taken and one does not - thus the inequities in camera time, but I do my best.

The girls in front of a view of seven states 

We had our first encounter with bad weather.  We took cover in the safest of places but there was still much concern until the lighting could no longer be seen or heard.

A natural patio.

We left Rock City and checked into this house:

With this view:

We made our way to downtown Chatanooga to experience some local fare; we found Blue Review.  We loved it.

We got home way to late for little girls but we still enjoyed some family time in our expanded space (without wi-fi) before turning in.

Tomorrow; Chatanooga awaits.

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