Monday, August 3, 2015

Striking it Rich

Today we did what all capitalist do.  There were mountains all around us, so we decided to dig big holes into them to see if there is any way they can make us rich.   Actually, that is only the way I think - my girls just wanted to go gem mining.

We arrived at a place called "Goats on the Roof."  It is actually just a store with ... wait for it ... goats on the roof.


We set out to find jewels in the earth's crust.  We had some success.

We washed

And we sifted

We carefully sifted

We very carefully sifted

Some of us very, very, carefully sifted
(This picture was taken while everyone else waited in the car)

After much sifting we went to lunch and home for a rest.
Next, we made our way to see an old friend that the girls remember fondly from Down East. We like the replacement very much but it was nice to get reacquainted.



Everybody STAMPEDE!


The girls took time to say goodbye to some of the stars of the show
So it turns out that there was no diamonds in our buckets of dirt - but we did strike it rich. We were reminded that all of our children are healthy - that we love each other and had rather be together than anywhere else - that God is crazy about each of us and that He will never leave us.
Just look at the pictures above; living proof that we indeed rich and blessed beyond measure!

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