Saturday, August 8, 2015

Travel Days are still Good

We found ourselves or from home today. So we set out to get part of the way home. Today was simply a travel day. We stopped at this entertainment center along the way.

Addison apparently didn't get enough climbing at the climbing club in Chattanooga.

Olivia and Addison got tattoos.

Olivia try to hand at the bumper cars and held her own with some big kids.

There are many ways to get home from Chattanooga (all within 10 miles travel distance from each other). We took the southern route. We ended up (not at all by accident) in Anderson, South Carolina. Went downtown to a very quaint and very good restaurant.

We stopped for desert at Krispus Kremus.

Next, back to the hotel for this for me activity.

It is been a fairly good day on the road.  We made it safe and sound. One more activity here in Anderson and then we are on our way home. 

We love travel, and we love vacation with all of our hearts; but everyone is ready to find our home and our good friend Hank.

A special nod to Aunt Jackie for taking care of Hank during our absence.

Tomorrow I will explain fully why Anderson, South Carolina. 

Until then, I sure do love my family, even on travel days.

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