Thursday, June 20, 2024

Costa Rica - Chocolate Tour

We are going on a chocolate tour later today but we have time this morning to go into La Fortuna and get the lay of the land.

The is the town square in La Fortuna

Lunch at a small cafe

A Catholic Church on the square at La Fortuna

 Today we went to a chocolate farm. We learned how chocolate is made and actually made some ourselves.

This is our guide. Very kind and very knowledgeable. 

This is the actual pod that the beans that will become chocolate come from.

The seeds are dried in stages

This is a drying tent

Olivia cranks out all of the oils from the dried pod once it is crushed

We made a drink from the Chocolate called "God's Drink" because people who drank it in olden days claimed to be able to talk to God when they drank it. I tried it - and almost saw Him right away!

We got to eat the fruits of our labors.

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