Saturday, June 29, 2024

Costa Rica - Rain

 There is not much to report for today. Last night we had storms all night and heavy, heavy rain (even for Costa Rica). The locals that we talked to made comment that this is highly unusual, even in the rainy season - which begins in October. The rain stayed heavy until mid-day. We had plans for activities but the facility that we were going to closed due to severe weather.

We decided to go on an eco-tour that included animal encounters. It was about 20 miles away (about 45 minutes on these roads). We got excited about the prospect and got about 2 miles from the facility and the road was washed out and the water was dangerously deep and rapid. It was simply a no-go. We looked for an alternate route and it took us into some construction areas and then to a gravel road that was very steep - especially given the conditions. No one was in favor of making the attempt.

We did, however, get some amazing views

We got back home but the afternoon rains had come in but the girls did swim in the rain

Nana posted a picture of Fenway the good boy which made us all miss him as much as it looks like he is missing us

Megan and I to the off day to get dinner - none of the girls wanted to go with us. You have probably noticed a lot of Coke. We found the taste of the Pepsi has been altered here and Coke seems to taste pretty much the same.

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