Friday, July 15, 2016

A Change of Pace

Today was another rest day.  We started out the day being lazy and hanging out, except for me - I ran this morning and it was HOT.  Still, I got it done.  With all of this walking we do at the parks I don't feel that I need to run as often but I do need to keep up enough not to loose stamina.  Well, enough about me - like I said we just kinda hung out this morning.

After laying around all morning we went to Sea World for just a couple of hours

Flamingos - Orange Ones

Next we saw Ray Bay - Every aquarium has a place to touch Rays - I hope they like it!

We even got to feed these.  The girls learned a new concept: Feeding Frenzy

We saw dolphins

We played in the play area

Then all of the girls decided that they wanted to get wet - even though they didn't have dry clothes

Then they changed their mind - this is Olivia in the dryer.
It didn't really work.

So anyway, a few hours at Sea World and the promise to return.  We are headed home to have dinner with Megan's Cousin who happen to be in town also.

All in all - a great day on vacation.

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