Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Ladies and Gentlemen, Due to Approaching Weather . . .

We decided upon a late start today.  The girls woke up with water parks on their minds.  We went to Blizzard Beach.  This is the thing.  We don't have many pictures because I arranged to borrow a Go Pro camera but then never got time to follow through with it - but we do have a few pictures to show for our exploits.

So we did the wave pool.  The family Raft ride. Then the girls did some individual slides in the kids area.  It seemed like a good time to have lunch.  We opened our picnic and took few bites and then heard the first clap of thunder.  One moment later came the dreaded announcement.  "Ladies and Gentlemen, Due to approaching weather systems all attractions have been closed until further notice."

That was all our girls needed to hear - finished lunch in the car on the way home.  Oh well, maybe we will try again soon.

Olivia Rides and Iceberg with some new friends.

These girls stopped to get pictures on the way out - Olivia's progress toward the car was not to be impeded by anything anywhere.

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