Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Rest Day with Winter and Hope

We started out the day with no demands on our time.  It was a day to relax and be a family.  We made muffins...

...We laid around...

... We played games ... 

... We played in the pool ...

... We hung out around the pool ...

... magic bands and ears sat dormant today.

Just after lunch we decided to surprise the girls with a little trip.  The Movies, Dolphin Tale and Dolphin Tale 2 were pretty big hits around our house and it turns out that the star of those movies "Winter" and her friend, "Hope" (also in the movie) live a little ways away in Clearwater (just outside of Tampa).

We drove to the Clearwater Marine Aquarium which is where the dolphins live and was also where the movie was shot.  The girls were excited to see these world famous dolphins.

This is Hope in the foreground and Winter in the back playing with the toy

She actually looks more like this

We also got to pet the stingrays

We saw turtles in rehab

A great time at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium

Here is another picture of Megan

OK, so this is the deal with photography.  A few weeks ago we bought a lens for this camera off of Ebay.  The other lens that we have is quite large for indoor photography.  While we were leaving Port Orleans I was taking a picture and the lens froze up and then quite literally fell apart in my hands. We have been reminded how beautiful the pictures are that come from this type of camera.

So, Megan has been using the camera with oversize lens and doing a great job.  It is, however, the reason that you will see many close-ups of the girls and a switch back and forth in quality as we continue to use our phones for regular shots.  She is AWESOME and is doing a beautiful JOB!

After we exhausted the Aquarium we rode a trolly across town to a museum of mostly movie props and such from Dolphin Tales.

The girls got to feed puffer fish

When we arrived home it was stormy so it got dark early.  Nice touch to end a good day.

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