Monday, July 11, 2016

Frozen - If You Can Believe It

The joke here is that its hot in Florida - very hot.  I know, I know, its always hot here.  But they are actually in a heat wave in Central Florida.  According to a local lady we talked to the heat index was 112 on the day that we arrived.  I am not sure if she knew what she was talking about but I did see squirrel burst into flames trying to cross the sidewalk down here.

Anyway, we started our day with a few rides at EPCOT but the new Frozen ride was the most anticipated.

We hung out around EPCOT and did a few rides

After we were thoroughly hot we made our way to Beaches and Cream, one of our favorite places to eat.  It is located at the Beach Club Resort.

These girls never remember seeing a table top juke box

I have noticed that because Megan is taking most of the pictures that she is not in any of them, so I found one - here honey I love you!

One more stop at Nemo and friends and then back to the house to rest!  Rest is awesome!

Not sure if you can see it in this picture but there is heat in this face

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