Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Animal Kingdom Shopping

Today is planned for Animal Kingdom.  This is a great park for us mostly because it is the place that my hat is most apropos.

We began Animal Kingdom the way it was intended - with the animals.

Then we stopped to observe the gorillas (although you don't see any gorillas - that is why I lifted Emily Grace up - there were two baby gorillas wrestling - it was very cute trust me - see how happy it made her?).

Next Olivia, Addison and I made our way to fast pass Expedition Everest.  This is they, about to board the expedition.

Meanwhile, Emily Grace and Megan went to meet some very familiar friends

We ate lunch and then we had time to burn.  We shopped yet more.  I kept an eye on Olivia while Megan did bathroom duty with Emily and Addison.  Here is what I experienced:

Yes I know - it goes on and on and they never tire of it.  Oh well.

Next over to the Tree of Life and It's Tough to be a Bug.

The girls loved it!

Now back to house for rest time.  The plan is to come back tonight.

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