Monday, July 21, 2014

Vacation is Coming - Always

It has been said that all good things must come to an end, and I believe that is true.  In fact, that is one of the things that makes them good.  Vacation is so good and so important because it is fleeting.  It comes when it is badly needed and then before you know it, unfortunately it is gone.  The time between is to be absorbed and appreciated in every way and we certainly try to do that.

Vacation is a watch word in our house.  We use it, not just for our summer vacation but for all trips including even day trips. It is our family thing, and we can't get enough of it. We detach from our cares and our worries and we bask the energy of the places we visit and our love for God and each other.

Make no mistake, it is hard to take three children anywhere but we count it well worth it.  I wrap up this vacation knowing without a doubt that I know all three of my girls, and most importantly my beautiful wife, better than I ever have before.

This time it was Disney - next time it will be somewhere else but the goal will remain the same; to grow closer as a family and to experience a slice of life together (unfettered by the outside world). It may sound like escapism and it may be - but I would not give it up for anything.

For all of our efforts to stop it, this vacation too has come to an end. So it was about 9:00PM that we turned the corner on one very average looking street and this house came into view.  It is the place where my family spends its days and nights - and where we experience joys and sorrows.  We do love this house and this neighborhood but it won't be long until it is vacation time again.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

We Love Vacation

Today began like vacation days should.  We woke up whenever, and did nothing. The girls were great with the prospect.  The big girls got up and got right into the pool.

This pool was only maybe eight or ten feet across and maybe twenty feet long but it was my girls favorite thing. They played and played in it. They screamed and yelled and swam, they played with the toys and we even woke up to a snake in the pool this morning. We ate around it, cooked around it, and have family time in it.  It was the center of our girls world for these two weeks.

We dodged the germs pretty well right up until today.  Emily Grace woke up sick today and did not want to eat or to move.  She seemed to get past it after a few hours but was not herself today.

We chose the Magic Kingdom for our last evening of vacation. We rode a lot of rides beginning with the Jungle Cruise again.

This lady makes me soooo happy!

We had a picnic in the park

This girl kept us all together for this entire trip.  She organized, she directed, and she managed our food and supplies.

We rented a single and a double stroller for every day we were at the parks.  The cost was through the roof - and worth every dime.

The girls went to Big Thunder Mountain while Emily and I went to the Magic Carpets

We have a vacation tradition in which each of the girls get to choose a souvenir.  They shop all vacation and today was purchase day.  Olivia chose Mickey Ears that blink to any Disney production. Addison chose a Black Light string toy.  Emily Grace chose a Tinker Bell Bank.

Then we saw Wishes to close out our experience.

It was a late night and leave early in the morning.

Much more to come on this vacation ....

It's on the Mouse

I am often impressed with Disney.  They sometimes disappoint but often impress.  I wrote about some on this blog during our last visit but this visit there were several instances when the Disney commitment to satisfaction hit home for us.

Once when pushing the stroller along in Epcot my drink slipped out of the drink holder.  I was almost done with it, so it was no big deal but a Disney employee came over to let me know that I could tell any place that sold drinks that I spilled it and that they would be glad to refill it at no charge.

We bought the Fatasmic Dinner Package at Mama Melrose in Disney Studios.  [This is a package whereby you get preferred and reserved seating at Fantasmic for eating at select restaurants which saves you hours in line] While we were eating the bottom fell out and it continued to rain into the night.  We thought we would just be out since Fantasmic would not be performed because of weather.  Megan asked someone at customer service and they told her that the tickets would be good for the next five days.  That sounds good and we tried couple of times to attend the performance - even once actually sitting in our seats - only to have it rain us out again, and again.  Some days later we went to Fantasmic heading to regular seating because the five days had passed.  Megan told one of the employees of our difficulties with the Fantasmic Dinner Package on her way in.  To make a long story a little shorter - by the time Addison and I joined our family (we had ridden Tower of Terror again) we were seated front and center - best seats in the house - in the Fantasmic Dinner Package seating.

On our last day we rolled up to the pay at the parking lot.  Megan joked with the attendant that they should have a buy 9 get 1 free.  The attendant inquired why she would say that; Megan explained that we had been 9 days and this was our last day.  He told her that he agreed and that this is her lucky day because parking today is on Mickey - In other words ... its on the mouse!

One more reason that we love Disney - and one more reason I wish that other parks would go to school on Disney's commitment to the customer over being right.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Fantasmic Finally

Today began at Typhon Lagoon.  Emily Grace woke up tired and cranky and decided that she did not want to go.  Megan, who also wanted down time was more than happy to oblige. So it was Olivia, Addison, and I that made it to the water park.

This is the deal with the pictures.  Last time we went to Disney I borrowed a waterproof case for my iPhone. This time I did not prepare nearly as well - so a few photos will have to do.

So, we get to the water park and I know that the fact that they put us in overflow parking row 18 was not a good sign. This park was a busy as could be - never have experienced this kind of crowd at any water park.  Fortunately, we got most of the rides we wanted to ride completed earlier in the morning. As we left the park we noticed cars parked in the grass and a long line of cars and buses trying to get into the park.

"Hey, you might think you do, but you don't want to go in there."

Meanwhile, back at the ranch; Emily Grace enjoyed a lot of individual attention from mom after having to share her for nearly two weeks.

This evening we went to Disney Studios. The big girls went to Star Tours with mom on fast pass and while they did, Emily Grace and I went to the Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground.

Addison and I went to Tower of Terror one more time and when we found got out we found that Megan was able to, once again, work her magic and land us new Fastasmic Dinning tickets.  We got great seats for Fantasmic and on our third try it did NOT rain.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Happy Birthday

Today is my birthday. We began the day at Animal Kingdom.  We got a late start so we missed our fast pass for the Festival of the Lion King.  We still wanted to see this show so we got in place to wait - all together about a hour long process.  It was a good show and none of us were disappointed.

I wore this until the first Disney employee told me happy birthday, which was at the parking booth before we ever reached the park.

After the Lion King we went to ride Expedition Everest again.  Next, we were going to go home prior to my birthday dinner.  We got out of the park and got ready to head home - one problem.  I forgot my hat, not just any hat, this was by far the most expensive item in my wardrobe. So, I made the walk back from our parking space to Expedition Everest, a good three miles I think - Megan thinks I exaggerate but we all know that I do not. Amazingly, they did have my hat and I got it back. Now it is worth more to me given the personal investment that I made to retain it.



With all of that time wasted, we had to go directly to dinner which was at the Hoop Dee Doo Review.  We got there early since I had used all of time that it would have taken to go back home for rest time.  It did give us some time to look through the stables.

Megan got us seats only a week or so ago.  Somehow, we still ended up stage-side, she is gifted in working with plans and reservations.  It was a great show and a great meal and the girls loved it too. It was the birthday fairy's last hurrah and it was awesome.

There was a lot of good things to say about Hoop Dee Doo Review but this corn bread was the star of the show.  It was the best.

Twirling the towels.

Enthralled by the show

Strawberry Short Cake

Our stage-side table.


We came straight home so that it would be the first night that we  arrived home prior to our normal bedtime since we have been on vacation. It was a happy birthday.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Rains Came Early

We got up this morning with plans to go to Epcot with a few rides on the agenda.  By the time we got out of the first ride (Nemo again) the thunder and lightning were baring down on us.  We went into the Universe of Energy before the deluge but the rain settled in and it was only 10:30AM.


By mid-morning Central Florida had become "coolish"

While the big girls and I did a Norway Adventure with Agent P - Emily Grace did a little Norway Shopping. Interesting we found that Norway, and in fact the Norway Pavilion at Disney, was part of the inspiration for Frozen.  Anything about Frozen is important to my girls. We leaned that Christianity was brought to Norway by a missionary - a missionary named Olaf.  If you have seen the movie you know the significance of that name. It is interesting to know the "rest of the story."

The first time that Megan and I went to Disney together we unexpectedly encountered Voices of Liberty.  We were both blown away and became quick fans. Since then, no Disney trip is complete without a visit to the American Pavilion at Epcot to see them.  The girls appear to be taken with them as well - they are awesome.

We returned home for rest time and there was a break between thunderstorms.  These two girls made their way right to the pool.  I believe Addison Davis loves this pool more than she has ever loved any thing.

After more rain we went back to Epcot to take advantage of a fast pass for Test Track.  On the way there Emily Grace fell asleep.  It was still nice and cool so I remained in the car with her while Megan, Olivia, and Addison made their way to ride.  The ride, however, malfunctioned and the girls had to be evacuated from the ride after and lengthy wait.

These girls came back to the car and Emily Grace began to wake up.   The rain started to tapper off and we made our way to the Magic Kingdom.  We were greeted, once again, by the promise of a great evening.

We rode a lot of rides this night and almost all of them included Emily Grace. We rode lots of things together including this favorite: the carousel.

 Every time we go to Disney there is a surprise ride that becomes the girls favorite. Last year it was Spaceship Earth at Epcot.  This year the girls fell in love with the Carousel of Progress.  A strange ride for little girls to love but - whatever.

Birthday Fairy Update: T-shirts (You always need T-shirts). I love the Birthday Fairy.