Thursday, July 3, 2014

Packing Up!

If you have been around our family long at all - you have probably already heard, but Megan Davis is the best.  Going on vacation with children is hard, but it is worth it.  Megan has single handedly shouldered the responsibility of getting our family packed for these two weeks.  No small job. On Monday I came home to this.  All of our bags were packed and organized.

On Wednesday I came home to this.  Our car completely packed. Anyone who has ever done it knows that this is no small feat.  In addition to what you see there is strategic room in this car for five (count 'em - five people).  It is a big production but it is going to be a blast.  I can't wait!
All of these things and much more serve to remind me that I married way above what I deserve.  Megan is a blessing from God.  She speaks love, encouragement, and strength into me every day.  She makes me better than I am.  I am glad she is my wife and mother of my children.
This life is crazy.  But I am thrilled that I get to share it with Megan and these wonderful girls, Olivia, Addison, and Emily Grace. Hang on.  Its going to be quite a ride!

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