Thursday, July 3, 2014

Long on Flexability

Well, as you know we began our trip heading into a hurricane. We met some rain and a little wind but not so much.  The girls were real troopers.

We stopped for dinner in Pawley's Island. When we got back on the road we were greeted with the promise of better weather. We saw only the sun and beautiful sunset for the rest of the day.

It really was a pretty good trip and the girls did very well.

What happened next was truly strange.  We had reservations at the Raddison in Charleston. When we got there, their power had just been restored.  We waited while they reset their server.  They took an hour or so and still could not get it together. We stored our stuff in an office and went downtown to let the girls run and sightsee. We returned at little after 10 PM.  They still could not process any guest. 

Even though we had prepaid the room through Groupon - and we do not know how that money will be refunded - I write this blog in the Residence Inn at 11:30 PM with nary-a child asleep.

Still, Charleston at night was beautiful and there is no such thing as a bad day on vacation.

 I love my family but I think I will love them better after a good night's sleep.  Looking forward to a great day in Charleston tomorrow.

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