Monday, July 7, 2014

Huge Success

This morning we woke up to the prospect of Breakfast with the princesses.  By the time I got out of the shower - everyone was up.  The house was filled with the sound of laughter. I could not help but smile myself as I listened while I shaved.

The girls, all of them, were awestruck by the actual presence of the princesses They laughed and they giggled and they ate.

We rode The Seas with Nemo, The Land, Soarin', Spaceship Earth, and Test Track. Emily was not old enough to ride Soarin' or Test Track.  So we had to more creative with her.  This is her at the Cool Wash.

We went home for lunch and yet more pool time.  This time it included me - and it was cold. It was fun though and there is nothing better and nothing more important than time spent with my family.

Then we went back to Epcot, more rides, $6.00 cookies, and illinations.

We went until we couldn't any more.

Today was a huge success.  Not because we got to meet the princesses (although that was very cool), not because we got to ride rides and that was fun too, not because we were at Disney World.  Today was a huge success because it was a successful first real day of vacation.  Our time together was unfettered by any other concerns. It was our time and no one else's.  No thoughts of any work, no thoughts of school concerns. Family time - simple as that!

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