Monday, July 14, 2014

A Splinded Day with the Animals

Today began at Animal Kingdom. This is the last park that we have yet to visit.  The day began with a leisurely breakfast with some old friends.

Then we went on Safari, complete with selfies.


These guys literally came close enough to touch.

This is Olivia at the first sight of the zebras - her favorite!


The big girls went on the Dinosaur ride but Emily was not tall enough.  I took the opportunity to take Emily to the Dig Site - A playground for kids just her size.


Then Nemo LIVE

Then the first time on Expedition Everest.  I am so proud of both of my brave girls.  The days of riding the big rides alone, or not at all, are soon to be over.


And Emily made the most of her time.

Back home for lunch, the pool, and rest time. Then we met Megan's Aunt Nancy and her cousin Kayla and her husband Dan at the Rainforest Café. It was great to visit with them and no one thought to take a picture.

We then took the opportunity to go back here:

As our day at Disney came to a close - God seemed to put an exclamation point on our day!

Update: I said yesterday that it was amazing how well the Birthday Fairy knows me.  Now I'm not so sure.  Today she left me this shirt - this doesn't sound like me, does it?

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