Monday, July 14, 2014

High Value Added

So I am hanging out watching my girls, and every other kid in Central Florida at the moment, playing with Legos; I can't help but notice that a couple of times during their stay a kid came along with a broom and a sweeper pan sweeping these little Lego pieces up.

I didn't have to ask or wonder whether they dump these out in the back and wash them off because I know they do not. The reason is that they have almost no value. After all, they are a little molded chip of plastic.

Yet, if you put a thousand or so of these specific pieces in a box and put an instruction sheet in it and label it "Star Wars Death Star" you can sell it for $399.00.  The total cost cannot be more than $10.00 less the licensing agreement.

That is high value added.  It reminds me of bottled water.  The cost is nearly nothing and you can sell them for $4.00 each at Disney World and $2.00 every where else.  Who knew?

What is the next "high value added" opportunity.  Lets talk about it if you have an idea. Someone has to get wealthy on it, might as well be us.

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