Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Yet More Rain in Movie Land

It rains here every day, I man without exception. Today the rains came a little early.  We did not come prepared with rain gear because we always bring it in the afternoons.  We came out of the park just in time to catch the deluge at its peak.  We were all thoroughly soaked - thoroughly. Not pleasant at the time - but a memory we will not soon forget.

The day began with fast passes to Tower of Terror at Disney Studios. Addison was the only one who took me up on it.  I am proud of her trying new things - very unlike me as a kid. She loved Tower of Terror, as for me, I had forgotten how intense this ride could be. I liked it too but it was more than I remembered.


Next I took the Big Girls to Star Tours.  They loved this ride.

Then to The Great Movie Ride.  The challenge at Disney Studios is to find a ride that we can all ride together and we wanted to include Emily Grace in something.

After The Great Movie Ride we decided at the last minute to stay and eat at the 50's Prime Time Café.

After pool time and rest time we came back to Disney Studios.  We went right to the Aerosmith Rocking Rollercoaster. The two big girls rode with me.  Olivia promised to keep her eyes open this time. This is a picture of a picture but you get the idea. Olivia if front right and Addison and I are behind her.


Next we went to the Sci-fi Dine-In Drive In for dessert.  It was our fist time there so it was pretty cool.




While we were in the Sci-fi Drive-In, you might have guessed, the thunder storms returned yet again. We sat down at Fantasmic long enough to be driven out of the park by rain and lightning yet again. Oh well, there will be other visits.

On the way back to the parking lot I noticed, once again, some of the reasons that this is one of my favorite parks, in terms of the way the park looks.

Birthday Fairy Update: Mickey Mouse Boxers - Enough Said.


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