Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Dear God; Thank You For Our Home, Our Family, and our Cars ...

Cars are not important to us, in terms of what kind of car we drive and how they look. We have elected to spend whatever extra money we have on vacations like this one.  Having said that, we have had very good luck with cars (I realize that if you believe in fate this could really be tempting it).

My car, a 2001 Chrysler Town and Country has over 200,000 miles on it.  Megan's car, a 2007 Honda Odyssey will turn 150,000 miles on this trip. We have never had major trouble with any of our vehicles.  Once I thought the transmission was going out on my car and I took it to the transmission place.  They quoted me $180.00 saying it was a minor fix.  I received a call that it was going to take longer than projected.  When I went to pick it up I was told that they had to rebuild the transmission but that since they did not drive it ahead of time that they could not prove that they did not cause the problem and that I only owed the $180.00. There are other stories as well.

Either or both of our vehicles could fall apart tomorrow.  I do not know for sure why we have been so blessed (at least until the present) but I have a theory. Jesus loves the little children, he always has and in scripture he always made time for them - even saying that the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.

From the very beginning of saying prayers herself, Olivia started out each prayer with: Dear God; Thank you for our Home, our Family, and our Cars. Not sure why she included cars but she did - and still does.  It is a prayer that made its way to Addison, and Emily Grace as well. Each of them begin their prayers the same way.

I believe that these prayers, in all of their innocence, touch the heart of God in a way that He will not ignore.  I believe that these prayers have served to proactively care for our cars.  They get us where we need to go and thus far have operated safely and with a minimum of expense.

So, I too would like to thank God for Our Home, Our Family, and Our Cars.

This car, 150,000 miles and all, got us to Florida and back without a hitch.  We are thankful for that.

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