Friday, July 18, 2014

Fantasmic Finally

Today began at Typhon Lagoon.  Emily Grace woke up tired and cranky and decided that she did not want to go.  Megan, who also wanted down time was more than happy to oblige. So it was Olivia, Addison, and I that made it to the water park.

This is the deal with the pictures.  Last time we went to Disney I borrowed a waterproof case for my iPhone. This time I did not prepare nearly as well - so a few photos will have to do.

So, we get to the water park and I know that the fact that they put us in overflow parking row 18 was not a good sign. This park was a busy as could be - never have experienced this kind of crowd at any water park.  Fortunately, we got most of the rides we wanted to ride completed earlier in the morning. As we left the park we noticed cars parked in the grass and a long line of cars and buses trying to get into the park.

"Hey, you might think you do, but you don't want to go in there."

Meanwhile, back at the ranch; Emily Grace enjoyed a lot of individual attention from mom after having to share her for nearly two weeks.

This evening we went to Disney Studios. The big girls went to Star Tours with mom on fast pass and while they did, Emily Grace and I went to the Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground.

Addison and I went to Tower of Terror one more time and when we found got out we found that Megan was able to, once again, work her magic and land us new Fastasmic Dinning tickets.  We got great seats for Fantasmic and on our third try it did NOT rain.

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