1. Last year on vacation we started a tradition, mostly to prevent us from overspending on souvenirs. At the end of the vacation each girl can choose one thing that they saw on vacation that they want as a souvenir. Throughout the vacation they shop and assess and compare. The last day they choose.
Olivia's choice was something that she saw at Bass Pro Shop. When we got there Megan took Olivia to shop and I occupied the other girls.
Addison is the animal whisperer - we have established that - but this even freaked me out.
Olivia selected a tadpole and frog habitat that she had seen earlier in the week.
2. Last year in the off season we happened upon Sweet Carolina's. I loved it, mostly because they had the best cornbread. I had been wanting to eat there again so we tried to sneak it in on the last day.
Lunch did not go well. The food was great but Emily Grace was not having it and so Megan was unable to enjoy the meal and so on it went. It was a good thought but that is how it goes with kids - some days are diamonds and some days are coal.
3. Addison's selection was something that she found at the mall, so off we went.
She chose an owl sleep mask - go figure.
4. There is a train at the mall that the girls called choo-choo soul. They were promised a ride on it earlier in the week but it was closed.
We had to get this done before we left, and since we were already at the mall ...
5. Earlier in the week the girls went "jumping" at the mall. They had talked and talked about it - so we let them do it again.
While the big girls jumped, Emily Grace spotted a familiar face and caught a ride with him.
6. Earlier in the week we bought some cupcakes at Broadway at the Beach. They were absolutely amazing - especially the Reese's Cup and Key Lime - we had to have more so we stopped in on the way home for Emily Grace's nap.
7. While Emily napped I took Olivia and Addison geocaching on the golf cart. It is part of nearly every trip we take. We found two.
8. We had enough tickets left for a few more rides - they had to be used.