Sunday, July 14, 2013

A Bite out of the Big Apple

We began this day with a tour of New York City.

Right away we happened upon a movie shoot. That is Jamie Fox by the cab.

We decided to get off of the tour bus to ride bikes through Central Park. We rented bikes from Tavern on the Green.

This is one of those things that looks good on paper. It even makes a good picture. What is not pictured here is the thousands of other, much more experienced, bikers zooming past. Addison was on a tandem bike with me but Olivia was too big and had to have her own bike. It was too little margin for error for her. We did, however, experience a lot of the park before walking the bikes back.


More of the sightseeing tour and then back to the hotel for rest. We ended this day with dinner at Ellen's Stardust Cafe. All of the wait staff we hopeful actors and actresses. They all sang for us! The girls loved it - especially Olivia.

Then to the Hotel for a restful night.


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