I read a few months ago that Phil Roberson from Duck Dynasty had been arrested. This concerned me a little because I like that show and I know that he is a Christian and also an advocate of Celebrate Recovery. So, I went to the Internet and found that the charge was (and I'm no hunter so I'm not positive of the formal charge) Hunting Over Feed.
I was relieved because that actually sounded like something that I would do - not knowing anything about conservation, of course.
I was reminded about it because I found out just how innate the practice is in all of us. We are on a budget so we brought our own cereal. Yesterday I began to notice that the Cheerios were going fast. Upon investigation I found that Olivia and Addison had discovered that their new interest in fishing had driven them to innovation. They discovered that their nets were much more full if they swooped just underneath some strategically place processed oats.
I think this is legal with fish but either way - they sure are cute to me.
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