Thursday, July 11, 2013

New York - Getting There

You never know exactly how a child will react to anything. Neither girl had ever flown so we were in uncharted territory. We were delayed right out of the gate at New Bern but only for about 45 minutes.

Ultimately the girls were very calm and even had fun on the plane.

We got to Charlotte and were originally scheduled to fly out around 6:30 PM. We had to hustle but we made it on time - only to be delayed to 7:30 - then 8:00 - then 9:30 - the 10:10 - then ...

The girls did pretty well. They found a friend and watched a movie on the Ipad.

Finally got on the plane in Charlotte at 12:10 AM. Addison had a rare meltdown. The flight attendant gave her a blanket and neck pillow to calm her. This is her and Olivia not five minutes later.

To the hotel (Westin Time Square) which we were very pleased with, and everyone was out in a hurry.


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