Sunday, July 21, 2013

Laid Back at the Beach

There is no schedule today. No plan - just hanging out and doing whatever comes to mind.

It was a lazy morning with a lot of laying around.


We decided to go over to the park in our neighborhood. Again, no big whoop.








After lunch Emily Grace napped so it was miniature golf time again. This time we golfed with pirates. Pardon the salt on my lens.






Megan found some time to be girly with our girls.





We went to Market Common so that Megan could pick something up, only to find that the store was closed - so we found another park.



Addison made a wish in the fountain.





High-tech exercise equipment. I had to help with the tall ones. It affected the filming a little.




Megan bathed the girls while I ran. Then everyone went to bed. See, like I said, no big whoop.


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