Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Myrtle Beach - Getting There

It doesn't matter where you are going with children, it is always a challenge. You never know what the next issue will be or whether there is a meltdown on the horizon. It turns out that this trip went as good as a trip can go. We did stop in Hampstead and rented a Red Box movie but only because we had to stop for gas anyway.


We stopped at Planet Fun (like Check e. Cheese with bowling, laser tag, and mini golf). We ate dinner played a few games and then we were back on the road.

We arrived at our vacation House and unpacked. Megan and Emily Grace went straight to Lowe's foods and picked up our pre-ordered groceries, courtesy of my forward thinking wife and the love of my life, Megan.

It wasn't long before everyone began to feel the call of this wonderful pool.



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