Sunday, July 14, 2013

Two American Girls

You may have read that we let our children choose a travel destination in stead of having a birthday party. Well, New York is definitely out of the realm of a birthday jaunt but we did make an exception for Addison on this particular birthday. We made the exception (1) because we wanted the girls to experience NYC (2) because Addison had just begun to show an interest in American Girl Dolls and Olivia has a long-time relationship with an American Girl Doll (3) because Addison's last birthday request were very inexpensive, one was camping out in the back yard and another was dinner at Mike's Farm with a little boy in her class named Johnson [i have my eye on him] (4) because we have been encouraging the girls to chose a place they have never been.

So, parts of the trip revolved around Addison's birthday. This first morning was a birthday celebration at the American Girl Store. We all loved the celebration.

After the celebration we rested a few minutes and enjoyed the view at our hotel room.

We toured a little. Toys R Us and then the m&m store.

Next was dinner at McDonalds. That's right McDonalds. This is a nice trip but we decided early on that food was not going to be a major expenditure for this trip - besides Olivia and Addison are 6 and 7 - to them there is no place better,

We planned to ride the subway to the Statue of Liberty. We got on the subway only to find that Superstorm Sandy had the last 13 blocks closed so we had to take a cab anyway. Battery Park and the Statue of Liberty were also closed due to Sandy related repairs. We decided to take the Staten Island Ferry to get a glimpse of the green lady.

This is as close as you get to Lady Liberty these days.

Another great day as a family and then time for bed.


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