Wednesday, July 24, 2013

As Long as all Goes Well

When we got back from Pirates Voyage I walked in on someone robbing our place. I never saw him because I went right in to the bathroom. Megan and the girls were down stairs. When I came from the bathroom I heard Megan yelling to me that a man just came down the stairs. I took out after him while Megan was on the phone to the police. I never saw him. The police showed up in mass within a minute. They had 8-10 units and even put a road block, checking all traffic going in and out of our neighborhood for quite a while. They never saw him either although Megan gave them a very detailed description.  In the end we were out an iPad and accessories, a Nikon and zoom lens, and a flip video camera. 

I believe that our response to this situation will define our faith and our character. We could let this ruin the rest of our family vacation but alas we will not. We could be mad at God for letting this happen to us - "his faithful followers"  but we will not. 

It rains on the just and it rains on the unjust. Our vacation does not depend on everything going just right and our joy is a gift from God and the fruit of his spirit which abides within us. It is not dependent upon our circumstances and it will not be shifted by mere mortal activity, positive or negative.

Yes, we wish we had our stuff back and yes it makes me mad - but the situation leaves us healthy, safe, free, full of joy, in the fellowship of our family, and in the arms of a loving God who is crazy about us no matter what we do.  All in all - not bad - not bad at all.

We are so blessed!

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